The Workout Supplement Secret Every Woman Should Know
You wouldn’t buy dog food for your cat! So why are you taking men’s workout supplements? I know what you’re thinking. “But I don’t use men’s workout supplements!” That’s where you’re (probably) wrong. See, while most workout supplements don’t actually say “For Men” on the label, it’s incredibly common for these supplements to be formulated with men’s bodies in mind, not women’s. So why does this matter? Depending on you,...
Trying to Get Fit? This is What Creatine Can Do For You
You’ve probably heard of creatine, but what is it? Creatine is an amino acid that is naturally found in various parts of the body. However, if you’re looking to add muscle or boost energy, you’re going to need a lot more than what your body produces on its own. Dietary creatine can be found in red meat and fish, but the most efficient way to get creatine into your system...
People Are Using This Trick to Get Back Into the Gym… And It’s Working
5 Questions You’ve Probably Asked About Protein Powder
Many of us think Protein=Big, Bulky Muscles. Well, not so fast. There’s several reasons you might want to supplement your diet with protein powder, beyond chasing those elusive gains.